Safety information &
Compulsory equipment
Safety information:
Skyrunning- & Trail running events take place in the outdoors and through nature conservation areas along already existing tracks, paths, forestry tracks, gravel roads, and on public and private roads. Highways rules must be adhered to, and in the case of 2-way traffic, runners should stay on the left-hand side. Crossing public highways and private property should be done in an orderly fashion. Any unfair behaviour towards other runners, refusal of medical help to other runners, or any pollution of the environment will be followed by immediate disqualification by the organiser.
For environmental reasons, there will no beakers available at the checkpoints or at the refreshment points. Therefore, a beaker is on the list of the compulsory equipment to take with you. There are sufficient refreshment- & water points along the route.
If participants choose to pull out of the race, they are responsible for organising their own transport back to the start/finish area or to their accommodation. Every participant are obliged to inform the race organisers by sending a text to the organisers on +43 (0) 664 1539141.
In case of emergency, participants must phone +43 (0) 664 1539141, giving details of the emergency. The event organisers will then inform the relevant mountain rescue service.
The event organiser and his team are responsible for the general safe running of the race, and any instructions given by members of the organising team, mountain guides, services, doctors, first aiders, marshals, and any staff manning the checkpoints/refreshment points are to be followed. If, on the part of the event organisers, a participant is deemed by medical staff to be in no fit healthy condition, then he/she may be pulled out of the race.
As the Schlegeis Skyrace and Trailrun is a high Alpine and very technical trail and the trail also goes over very rocky climbs, participants are required to have a suitable amount of experience of running Speed Trail, Skyraces or longer high Alpine races, and the following requirements apply:
- no fear of heights
- sure-footedness
- head for heights
- a high level of fitness
- experience of navigation in Alpine terrain
The qualification points will be checked on a random basis by the organising team after the closing date for registration and publication of the appropriate list of results.
The minimum age requirement is 18 years.
Route marking:
IMPORTANT: marking of the route according to theInternationaler Skyrunning Föderation (ISF); The Skyrace route will be marked by an expert marking team with chalk spray, signs, bands, flags. However, there is no continual marking of the route that would render individual navigation capabilities in Alpine terrain superfluous. Especially after nightfall, in the case of heavy rain, snow, or other extreme weather conditions, the markings may disappear, be covered, or not be immediately noticeable. For this reason, all participants must have a map of the route with them.
The event organiser also provides the route of as a GPS download (Download at Trailrun Info, Skyrace Info), and it is recommended that runners take a GPS unit with them. Sadly, it can sometimes occur that markings are removed by people. The markings are taken down section by section after the last runners immediately AFTER the time limit is over. The route is then NO LONGER marked.
Medical care is ensured throughout the race. On the route are at regular intervals and at the refreshment stations security personnel (mountain rescue) help or advice you at any time.
- International emergency number: 112
- Emergency call Austria: 144
- Alpine emergency call Austria: 140
Download emergency app of the mountain rescue Tyrol:
IMPORTANT: Any rescue costs will not be met by the event organiser, land owners etc. and must be paid by the person concerned. It is therefore recommended that you take out insurance that covers mountain accidents. All participants sign a disclaimer when picking up their start number
Safety & compulsory equipment:
The safety equipment stipulated according to the guidelines laid down by the Austrian Trail Running Association (ATRA), adapted to suit the requirements and the prevailing weather conditions.
Information about the official guidelines is available on the homepage of the Austrian Trail Running Association (ATRA) & Skyrunning:
Compulsory equipment:
- Trail running shoes or sturdy footwear! Forbidden are barefoot shoes, shoes without rough profile and without shoes you will not be allowed to start!
- Collapsible beaker (recommended for hot drinks, e.g. tea), or drinks bottle
- Mobile phone with audible ring tone turned on, and the emergency number of the event
- Installed emergency app of the mountain rescue Tyrol - Emergency app of the mountain rescue Tyrol
- Personal identity card
- a minimum of 0.5L liquid drink at the start! Each runner must carry an appropriate amount of drinks with him oh her to last until the next refreshment shop
- Whistle & First aid kit
- Survival blanket
- Rain jacket with l0,000 ml water column resistance
- Hat
- Gloves
- Spike cover (required depending on weather conditions)
- Long trousers (required depending on weather conditions)
Compulsory equipment will be checked in the start area!
Trail running sticks, Bear in mind that the trail running sticks must be taken with you from start to finish.
Any runner failing to take with them the complete compulsory equipment, taking shortcuts, polluting the environment, behaving unfairly towards other participants, not adhering to instructions given by the event team (helpers, services, first aiders, doctors, marshals) will be disqualified without exception, as will anyone accepting any assistance or refreshments from another third party.
If required items of compulsory equipment are found to be missing at the check before the start of the race, then these can, where possible, be brought to the start point before the race begins. If this is not possible, then participation will not be not allowed. If items of equipment are found to be missing on an en route check, this will lead to the runner being removed from the race by the organisers.
The event organisers accept no liability for any damage whatsoever, whether personal or material. This also applies to any items of clothing or other objects. On receipt of a start number, each participant declares that there are no health reasons that could be construed as reason not to take part.
All participants recognise that the event organisers are not liable for damages of any kind and will not enter into any claim for compensation against the organisers and sponsors, the local authorities and landowners through whose land the race runs, or their representatives in the case of any damages or injuries of any kind that may ensue following participation in the event.
Each participant declares that he/she has trained appropriately for the race, is physically fit, and their condition of health has been verified by medical experts.
Der Rennarzt, Rettungskräfte und die Rennleitung sind befugt, offensichtlich körperlich und geistig geschwächte Teilnehmer aus dem Rennen zu nehmen. Jeder Teilnehmer ist damit einverstanden, dass die in seiner Anmeldung genannten Daten, die von ihm im Zusammenhang mit seiner Teilnahme am Schlegeis 3000 Skyrace oder Schlegeis Trailrun gemachten Fotos, Filmaufnahmen und Interviews im Rundfunk, Fernsehen, Werbung, Büchern, fotomechanischen Vervielfältigungen - Filme, Videokassetten etc. – ohne Vergütungsansprüche seinerseits genutzt werden dürfen.
The race doctor, emergency services, and race organisers are authorised to remove any runner from the race who is deemed to be physically or mentally too weak. On registering, all participants agree that data concerning their registration in the Schlegeis 3000 Skyrace or Schlegeis Trailrun event, photos, movies, and interviews on radio, television, advertising material, books, photo-mechanical copies (films, videocassettes etc.) may be used without requesting further permission.
Participants must ensure that their year of birth is correct, and that their start number has not been given to any other person. In cases of no-shows, no refund is possible.
(Please note: regarding data protection, your data will be electronically stored). All participants accept that, also in the case of no available membership of a club or association, various anti-doping requirements (doping controls) of Skyrunning Austria must be met.
The Schlegeis 3000 event is a run according to the guidelines of the Austrian Trail Running Association (ATRA). Participants can view the guidelines of the ATRA on the Austrian Association homepage and are obliged to adhere to the regulations of the ATRA.
Athletes are obliged to abide by the antiedoping regulations set out in the AntiADoping Federal Law of 2007, as well as any appropriate regulations put in place by relevant national and international specialist sport associations (in particular any statutes, sports rules, and competition regulations). Anyone who is, or was at the time of any potential contravention of anti-doping regulations, a member or a licence-holder of a sport organisation or another body belonging to such an organisation, and anyone who participates in competitions that are organised by a sport organisation or connected body or receives the help of federal support is deemed to be an athlete. The organisers and event hosts are strictly against any form of doping. As a participant, you must assure us that you have not taken, and will not take any kind of banned substance or other method of doping. Information about as to whether medications and treatment methods are banned is available from . This service is provided by the national anti-doping agency (NADA Austria) and is available as the “MedApp” for android and IOS. If a participant is obliged under the direction of medical professionals to take banned substances or use methods that are not permitted, we recommend keeping all medical reports and documents in case information is needed retrospectively as an exceptional case.